hola hola . welcome to yuna's page . thnx for willing spare ur time to visit my blog yeah .

Monday, December 13, 2010

hijab contest

hola hola dears . oke guys . lately yuna ada msuk satu contest nie yg dianjurkan by cikpuanmimi. contest yg yuna join ni bertemakn hijab . i really do love shawl so much. so it need at least two pic . xksah satu bdn or half. so yuna nk tnjuk kt u all. oke ke x eh pic yg yuna nk bg ni ? heh XD
kalau ada rezeki menang. alhamdullilah lah. sje je suke suki nak join . btw. thnx for inviting yeah dear :)

thats all for today . thnx again for willing spare ur time to visit my blog yeah :)